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South Australia: Connected Innovation

South Australia is characterised by deep clinical research, manufacturing and an end-to-end clinical trial value chain supported by world-class infrastructure and digital capabilities. It is a superbly collaborative and connected ecosystem for drug development, advanced manufacturing and health innovation.

End-to-end clinical trial capabilities

Australia’s unique regulatory framework means rapid start-up time without compromises. South Australia’s complete ecosystem is your most strategic entry point for exploring the whole Australian clinical trials sector, clustering end to end advice and expertise which provides the most efficient pathway to your clinical trial conduct.

The state’s major hospitals each have world-class infrastructure with dedicated clinical trial units allowing access to dedicated investigators leading clinical research. South Australia is an ideal location for both healthy individuals and patients, including specialised patient populations.

Fast and trusted for global markets (including FDA, EMA, TGA), working in South Australia will help you start your clinical trials in as little as six weeks.

Data-driven precision health innovation

Adelaide is home to world-leading artificial intelligence and data analytics capabilities, supported by unique clinical infrastructure and longitudinal datasets and biospecimen for cutting-edge clinical research and drug development.

The Australian Institute for Machine Learning (AIML) has top globally ranked capability in artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision research and deep learning. AIML works with leading global companies including Roche, GSK, Medtronic and Siemens Healthineers to push the frontier of precision health.

Manufacturing capability

Australia’s commercial drug manufacturing pedigree was forged in South Australia and features many of its leading academic manufacturing resources and long-established commercial operations. 

Our contract development manufacturing organisations (CDMOs) support process development through to the cGMP clinical and commercial scale manufacturing to global regulations, with capability and breadth across small and large molecules. Adelaide is home to global operations for pharma and nutraceutical therapeutics, generics and supplement manufacturers.

Drug development and biotech

South Australia is a centre for drug research and new biotech companies. Key opinion leaders focus on drug development across a wide range of specialisations including immunology, infectious diseases, neuroscience and endocrinology. 

Oncology is a major focus, including precision health, Car-T technology, computational systems, epigenetics, single cell and spatial technologies, gene regulation, molecular signaling, translational oncology and cancer genomics.

Connected innovation precincts

Adelaide’s flagship precincts bring together worldclass researchers, companies, government, academia, infrastructure, investment, teaching and clinical care to create unique opportunities for innovation that underpin the state’s leadership and strengths in health and medical sectors.

These include Adelaide BioMed City, Tonsley and Lot Fourteen Innovation Districts, ensuring health and life science research, manufacturing and clinical care are embedded with technology innovation.

This makes Adelaide and South Australia the perfect location to collaborate, innovate, and trial new products, ready for global commercialisation.

The Department for Trade and Investment facilitate:

  • companies contemplating expansion to Australia and/or the Asia Pacific region via Australia.
  • companies and investors looking for investment opportunities.
  • Companies who are interested in connecting with South Australian companies for services, products and/or collaboration.

For more information
